Our Beliefs

Our view of God and our understanding of the world matter. They guide our sense of who we are and what we do. We are glad you are taking time to learn about what we cherish.

Good News

Triangle Grace Church is an “evangelical” church. The word “evangelical” means “good news,” and that is first and foremost in our minds when we think about God and this world. The fact that the living God loves us, desires to have a relationship with us, and that he reigns over all with grace, justice, and mercy – that is the very definition of good news.

Where to Find it

We believe this good news is contained in the Bible which we are convinced is an inspired gift of God to us. Through studying the scriptures together and through prayer, we gain a deeper understanding and relationship with the living God.

Living out God’s Plan Together

Within the scriptures we find an amazing history containing the work of the redemption of humanity from the creation of the world to the end of time – Genesis to Revelation. We believe that we are living in the midst of this account and are called to participate in God’s redemptive work in the world.

A Problem to Overcome

We find central to the plan of redemption in the Bible that God the Father created the world making humanity in his image. Rather than delighting in the reign of God, humanity chose its own path which drove a wedge in the relationship between God and the peoples of the world. This has been a primary source of trouble in the world and in our lives.

The Solution

For this reason, God the Father sent his Son, Jesus, to reconcile humanity to himself. Faith in Jesus Christ and what he has done for us has become the way in which reconciliation happens. By his death on the cross, he bore the judgment which our sins deserved removing the wedge of sin and the power it wields in our lives; and through his resurrection, he extends the power to raise us to new life, a life which will be in eternal relationship with him.

God’s Presence is With Us

We believe that there is even more good news! From the point in our lives in which we first trust Jesus, God has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He has given us his Holy Spirit who is our Helper and Comforter transforming us more into his good image as each day passes. God is authentically with us as we live for him.

Community, Service, and Sharing Good News

Since we are made in his image, we are called to live our lives in community with the same heart to love others as he has loved us. We are to respond compassionately to those in need, stand up against injustice, and promote peace whenever and wherever we can as his people. Through word and deed, we are to do all we can to help others know of the goodness of God in Jesus encouraging them to find the same hope and life we have found in him.

Reformed and Presbyterian

There are a number of theological traditions which offer more detailed and nuanced explanations of what you have read above. If it is helpful for you to know, we identify most with the “Reformed” theological tradition. There are also various ways churches organize their congregations, leaders, and structures. We are “presbyterian” in our organization. If those terms are not familiar to you, and you would like to investigate them in greater detail, here are three options:


  1. Click here to look through our “More Grace” booklet which we use as part of our membership class at Triangle Grace Church.
  3. Click here to go to our website page which describes our denomination in greater detail.
  5. Click here to go to the Central Tenets of our denomination.