CareGivers Support

 The Caregiver Support Group exists under the auspices of Triangle Grace Church and operates under the Biblical standards of confidentiality, truthfulness, mutual edification and love. The Caregiver’s Support Group meets to share and discuss lived Biblical wisdom on how to best address

the needs of the cared for one, whether it is an aging parent, spouse or special needs child. The Caregiver Support Group provides an environment where the caregiver can receive support, encouragement and hope.


Caregiver Support Group meets monthly and anyone is welcome to participate.


What unifies this group is gathering together in the name of Christ and to become more faithful disciples of Jesus as we care for our loved ones.  We achieve this through the study of Scripture or small group studies, by praying together, by serving others, and of course, through just plain, good old fellowship.


This small group discusses and shares ways to meet the needs of our older loved ones, with special focus on how to care for parents while providing understanding, support, and fellowship with each other. The group operates under the small group ground rules of confidentiality.


On occasion, we have relavent speakers come to our meetings. Come and join us if you are a caregiver or can simply give advice to others from your experiences.

Have more questions about CareGivers Support?

Beth Murphy is our elder for Congregational Care and organizes this group.